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8 misconceptions about Ramadhan we must debunk during this holy month

Every year, during the month of Ramadhan, certain misconceptions resurface which are passed down through generations or shaped by cultural habits rather than authentic Islamic teachings. Some believe that accidentally eating automatically breaks the fast, while others think women can’t recite The Quran during menstruation. Then there’s the idea that fasting is just about staying hungry, missing the deeper purpose behind it.

Misunderstandings like these can take away from the true essence of Ramadhan. So, let’s clear the confusion and set the record straight with guidance from The Quran and Sunnah.

  1. Fasting is only about abstaining from food and drink:
    One of the most widespread misunderstandings is that fasting in Ramadhan is only about refraining from food, drink, and marital relations from dawn to sunset. While these are fundamental aspects of fasting, true fasting goes beyond the physical and it requires self-discipline, purification of the heart, and control over one’s actions.

    The Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever does not give up false speech (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 6057)

    This means that backbiting, lying, arguing, and any sinful behavior can diminish the rewards of fasting. Ramadhan is meant to train the believer in taqwa, and this extends to our character, speech, and actions.

  2. Using a miswak or toothpaste breaks the fast:
    Many Muslims believe that using a miswak or toothpaste during fasting hours invalidates the fast. However, this is not the case. The Prophet (SAW) himself used a miswak while fasting, as recorded in authentic narrations.

    Shaykh ibn Baz says, “There is nothing wrong with that so long as one is careful to avoid swallowing any of it, just as it is prescribed in Islam for the fasting person to use the siwak.” (Fatawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baz, 4/247)

    According to Amr bin Rabi’ah in a hadith recorded in Sahih Bukhari, he says, “I saw the Prophet using the siwak while he was fasting so often that I am not able to count (how many times it happened).”

  3. Feeling tired or weak means you can skip fasting:
    Some people think that if they feel a bit weak or fatigued, they are automatically excused from fasting. However, mild hunger and tiredness are normal and part of the test of fasting.

    Allah (SWT) says, “And to fast is better for you, if only you knew.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:184)

    Only those with a genuine excuse such as illness, pregnancy, or extreme hardship are allowed to break their fast. If fasting causes serious harm, then it is permissible to break the fast and make it up later or give fidya if the condition is chronic.

  4. Accidentally eating or drinking invalidates the fast:
    Many Muslims believe that if they accidentally eat or drink while fasting, their fast is broken. This is incorrect.

    The Prophet (SAW) said, “If somebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk, has been given to him by Allah.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 1933)

    If one forgets and eats or drinks out of habit, they should continue fasting as soon as they remember. This is a mercy from Allah (SWT) and does not invalidate the fast.

  5. Women cannot recite The Quran while menstruating:
    A common misconception is that a woman in her menstrual cycle cannot read The Quran. While she is excused from fasting and salaah, there is no authentic evidence that prohibits her from reciting The Quran.

    Shaykh ibn Taymiyyah has stated, “There is no clear, sahih text to indicate that a menstruating woman is forbidden to recite Quran. It is known that women used to menstruate at the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), and he did not forbid them to recite Quran, or to remember Allah (dhikr), and offer dua.”

    She may recite The Quran from memory or using a digital device. However, women should not touch the mushaf without a barrier, just as we do not touch it when we are without wudhu.

  6. Suhoor is not necessary, so it can be skipped:
    Some believe that suhoor is optional and can be skipped without consequence. While the fast is still valid without suhoor, skipping it means losing out on great blessings because this is a blessed Sunnah from the Prophet (SAW).

    The Prophet (SAW) said, “Eat suhoor, for in suhoor there is blessing.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 1923)

    Suhoor provides physical strength for the fast and is an opportunity to make dua before Fajr, a time when Allah (SWT) accepts supplications.

  7. You must break your fast with dates:
    While it is Sunnah to break the fast with dates, it is not obligatory. If dates are unavailable, one may break one’s fast with water or any halal food.

    The Prophet (SAW) said, “When one of you breaks his fast, let him break it with dates for they are blessed. If they are not found, let him break it with water for it is pure.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 695)

    The key is to break fast promptly at Maghrib and not delay it unnecessarily.

  8. Ramadhan is only about fasting:
    Some Muslims limit their focus to fasting while neglecting other acts of worship, such as:
    • Praying extra nawafil.
    • Giving charity and helping the needy.
    • Seeking forgiveness and making dua.
    • Reading and reflecting on The Quran.

    Ramadhan is a time to increase all forms of worship, not just abstain from food and drink.

    The Prophet (SAW) has said, “Perhaps a fasting person gets nothing from his fast except hunger and thirst.” (Ibn Majah, 1690)

    Fasting should transform our hearts, not just our eating habits.

Ramadhan is a time of spiritual purification and immense blessings, but many misunderstandings prevent people from fully benefiting from this sacred month. By learning what Islam truly teaches through authentic sources, we can correct these misconceptions and observe Ramadhan in a way that pleases Allah (SWT).

May Allah (SWT) grant us understanding, accept our fasting and worship, and allow us to emerge from Ramadhan as better, more conscious believers. Ameen!